Cyber Risk Assessment Online Training

Learn to Do Cyber Risk Assessments Step-by-Step with Online Training

Learn to Do Cyber Risk Assessments Step-by-Step with Online Training

When it comes to cyber risk assessment, the most important thing is knowing how to do it correctly. But if you’re not sure where to start, or don’t know how to go about it step-by-step, an online training course can provide a comprehensive methodology that will help you understand and apply information security assessments in the context of your organization’s operational processes.
Our online Cyber Risk Assessment training course provides a step-by-step approach so that you learn and do at each stage of the process. You will begin by learning what cyber risk assessment is, the different types of risk assessments and the importance of assessing risks accurately. You will then learn what information assets need to be considered when conducting a risk assessment and which risk management techniques are most appropriate for your organization. Finally, you will be able to apply what you have learned in practice by performing specific assessments of data systems, networks and applications as well as designing strategies for managing identified risks.
The Learn-Do method helps you gain a deeper understanding of the concepts you are studying and is especially beneficial for those who are new to cybersecurity or need refresher courses on the latest trends and best practices. By following this approach, you can develop your skills more quickly since you have regular opportunities for practice throughout your studies.
Throughout our course, we also provide helpful tips from industry experts so that organizations can make sure they are taking all necessary steps towards protecting themselves against cyber threats. Our goal is to ensure that individuals gain practical knowledge about cyber security so that they can confidently assess their organization’s risks and implement effective measures for mitigating them.
With our online Cyber Risk Assessment training course, organisations can get up-to-date information on cybersecurity trends while learning how to perform information security risk assessments in an efficient and accurate manner. The Learn-Do method provides learners with step-by-step guidance as they progress through their studies while also giving them plenty of opportunities for applying their knowledge in practice situations. Our goal is always to ensure that organizations have access to reliable information security professionals who can protect against cyber threats with confidence!
The online course comes complete with all templates and training on conducting a Cyber Risk Assessment as per the Software Engineers Institute recommendations.
The Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation (OCTAVE) Allegro™ method was developed by Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
The OCTAVE Allegro™ approach provides the Public and Private Sectors with a comprehensive methodology that focuses on information assets in their operational context. Cyber risks are identified and analysed based on where they originate, at the points where information is stored, transported, and processed. By focusing on operational risks to information assets, participants learn to view risk assessment in the context of the Public and Private Sectors strategic objectives and risk tolerances.

Save Money

According to Chris Ward, our leading expert in cybersecurity, you do not need to be an IT expert or a cyber specialist to conduct a cyber risk assessment.
Chris has created a step-by-step course that the layperson can follow to do a cyber risk assessment on their business. No longer do you need to spend thousands of dollars on having a consultant do it for you.
The course includes everything you need to know about conducting a cyber risk assessment, from what tools to use to how to interpret the results. By taking this course, you will be able to understand your business’s cyber risks and take steps to mitigate them. So why wait? Sign up today and get started on protecting your business from cyber threats.

Changing Industry

Over the past decade, the field of cyber security has undergone massive changes.
In the early days of the internet, much of the focus was on preventing hackers and other malicious actors from gaining access to sensitive information. However, as the internet has become increasingly commercialized, the focus has shifted to protecting against organized criminals who are looking to steal data for financial gain. At the same time, the amount of data that is being stored and shared online has exploded, making it more difficult to protect. And with billions of devices now connected to the internet, the attack surface has become enormous. To make matters worse, there are simply too many tools and vendors in the market, and not enough skilled professionals to respond to incidents. The move to cloud storage has only added to the complexity. As a result, cyber security is more important than ever before.
With a shortage of skilled cyber security professionals organisations need to take responsibility for their own security and it starts with doing a cyber risk assessment.

Why do Cyber Risk assessment?

Why is it important for all businesses to do a cyber risk assessment? ​
A cyber security system is only as good as its weakest link, and with the ever-changing landscape of online threats, it’s important to regularly reassess your system’s vulnerabilities. The first step in doing so is to undertake a cyber risk assessment. This assessment should identify any potential risks to your system, as well as any weaknesses that could be exploited by cyber criminals.
Once you have a clear understanding of the risks you face, you can then start to put in place measures to mitigate those risks. By taking proactive steps to protect your system, you can help to ensure that it remains safe and secure against the ever-evolving threat of cybercrime.

Doing Penetration Cyber Testing is not the total solution for your cybersecurity

With the rise of cyber-attacks, it’s become essential to have a robust system in place to protect your data and systems from intrusion. But simply having a cybersecurity system is not enough. It is important to regularly test your system to ensure that it is effective against the latest threats. Cyber penetration testing is one way to do this. However, it is important to understand that penetration testing will only find known vulnerabilities. That is why it is just one part of the larger picture when it comes to cybersecurity.
To truly assess your risk, you need to undertake a comprehensive cyber risk assessment. This will help you identify potential vulnerabilities in your system and put in place measures to mitigate those risks. By taking a holistic approach to cybersecurity, you can help ensure that your business is better protected against the ever-evolving threat landscape.